- Blog Tag Game
Tumblr-style tag game about blogging — I'd love if you join in!
- nimothorpes oofed Glitch Is Great
If you watched the demo video of how to set up your own Glitch site then you watched me type this. #demo #glitch #eleventy
- My Oofs
This is the official site for using octothorpes based on the standard hello-eleventy project. Octothorpes are hashtags that you can use on your own site and connect to other folks using them, kinda like in a webring.
- john hall codes
Hey guess what: I do webstuff.
- octothorpenty oofed Oof two
Did you know that the first oof was sent via the glitch-hello-eleventy project from octothorpenty.glitch.com? Did you know I haven't checked whether or not there's a character limit to the meta element content values? Wild west over here. #11ty #glitch #eleventy
- octothorpenty oofed Oof one
This is the first oof oofed via Octothorpes. It's just the value of the page's description meta tag #demo #glitch #eleventy
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curl -X GET \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \