- Bricolage 1.8.6 Released
- How I Increment Module Version Numbers
- SVN::Notify 2.50
SVN::Notify 2.50 is currently making its way to CPAN. It has quite a number of changes since I last wrote about it here, most significantly the slick new CSS treatment introduced in 2.47, provided by Bill Lynch. I really like the look, much better than it was before. Have a look at the SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff output to see what I mean. Be sure to make your browser window rally narrow to see how all of the sections automatically get a nice horizontal scrollbar when they’re wider than the window. Neat, eh? Check out the 2.40 output for contrast.
- Localize Your Perl modules with Locale::TextDomain and Dist::Zilla
- FSA::Rules Graphing Features Improved
I just released FSA::Rules 0.25. This version came about as I returned to the module to handle setting up a PostgreSQL database and found the graphics that it churned out, well, wanting. I wanted a decision tree, but the graphics just had the names of the states for the nodes, and then long question-like labels on the edges. What I wanted instead was for each node to be a question (or a statement about what the node was doing), and for the edges to be simple answers to those questions (or indicators as to the success of the code run in a state).
- Use Perltidy in Emacs
- Sqitch on Windows (and Linux, Solaris, and OS X)
- Create Catalyst Views with Template::Declare
- Bricolage Now has PHP 5 Templating
- SVN::Notify 2.70: Output Filtering and Character Encoding
- Localize Your Perl Apps with this One Weird Trick
- DBIx::Connector and Serializable Snapshot Isolation
- My Catalyst Tutorial: Add Authors to the View
- PGXN v2: Go or Rust?
What programming language(s) should we use to build new and revamp existing PGXN services and tools: Rust or Go? Vote your preference!
- SVN::Notify 2.10 Generalizes Behavior
- Catalyst with DBIx::Connector and Template::Declare
Following up on my post yesterday introducing Catalyst::View::TD, today I’d like to continue with the next step in chapter 3 of the Catalyst tutorial. The twist here is that I’m going to use PostgreSQL for the database back-end and start introducing some database best practices. I’m also going to make use of my DBIx::Connector module to interact with the database.
- SVN::Notify 2.0 Hitting CPAN
- Test XML and HTML with XPath
Introducing a Rails-inspired Perl module to test the structure and content of an XML or HTML document using CSS selectors.
- Add Regular Expression Operator to SQLite
- Bricolage 1.6.10 "Jump"
Get ready to jump to 1.8.0!
- PostgreSQL Development: Lessons for Perl?
Pondering Conservatism I’ve been following chromatic’s new blog since it launched, and have read with particular interest his posts on the Perl 5 development and release process. The very long time between releases of stable versions of Perl has concerned me for a while, though I hadn’t paid much attention until recently. There has been a fair amount of discussion about what it means for a release to be “stable,” from, among others, now-resigned Perl Pumpking Rafael Garcia-Suarez and Perl 5 contributor chromatic. Reading this commentary, I started to ponder what other major open-source projects might consider “stable,” and how they manage stability in their development and release processes. And it occurred to me that the Perl 5 code base is simultaneously treated too conservatively and – more importantly – not conservatively enough. What open-source projects treat their code highly conservatively?
- Bricolage 1.8.3 Released
The Bricolage development team is pleased to announce the release of Bricolage 1.8.3. This maintenance release addresses a number of issues in Bricolage 1.8.2. The most important changes eliminate or greatly reduce the number of deadlocks caused during bulk publishes of many documents. Other changes include new contributed scripts for importing contributors and for generating thumbnail images, Russian localization, and various fixes for database transaction, template formatting, and various user interface fixes. Here are the other highlights of this release:
- Lexical Subroutines
- Test Everything with TAP Source Handlers
I’ve just arrived in Japan with my family. We’re going to be spending several days in Tokyo, during which time I’ll be at the JPUG 10th Anniversary PostgreSQL Conference for a couple of days (giving the usual talk), but mainly I’ll be on vacation. We’ll be visiting Kyoto, too. We’re really excited about this trip; it’ll be a great experience for Anna. I’ll be back in the saddle in December, so for those of you anxiously awaiting the next installment of my Catalyst tutorial, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
- How Does DateTime Ignore CORE::GLOBAL::time?
- Voting Irregularities
The city of San Francisco ought to be ashamed.
- My Adventures with Mac OS X
I recently decided to make the leap from Yellow Dog Linux to Mac OS X on my Titanium PowerBook. Getting everything to work the way I wanted proved to be a challenge, but well worth it. This document outlines all that I learned, so that neither you nor I will have to experience such pain again. The overall goal was to get Bricolage up and running, figuring that if it worked, then just about any mod_perl based solution would run. I’m happy to say that I was ultimately successful. You can be, too.
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