- Test.Simple 0.10 Released
- Introducing pgTAP
So I started working on a new PostgreSQL data type this week. More on that soon; in the meantime, I wanted to create a test suite for it, and wasn’t sure where to go. The only PostgreSQL tests I’ve seen are those distributed with Elein Mustain’s tests for the email data type she created in a PostgreSQL General Bits posting from a couple of years ago. I used the same approach myself for my GTIN data type, but it was rather hard to use: I had to pay very close attention to what was output in order to tell the description output from the test output. It was quite a PITA, actually.
- pgTAP 0.22: Test Your Results
I’m pleased to announce that, after much thinking, committing, and not an insignificant amount of hair-pulling, pgTAP 0.22 has finally landed. Download it here. Many, many thanks to all who commented on my previous posts, made suggestions, and helped me on IRC to figure out how to get all this stuff to work. The crazy thing is that it does, quite well, all the way back to PostgreSQL 8.0.
- Committed: pgTAP Result Set Assertion Functions
Regular readers will know that I’ve been thinking a lot about testing SQL result sets and how to how to name result testing functions, and various implementation issues. I am very happy to say that I’ve now committed the first three such test functions to the Git repository. They’ve been tested on 8.4 and 8.3. Here’s what I came up with.
- Alternate server page - Octothorpes Demo
This page uses an alternate server, which can easily be set with a page variable.
- Test XML and HTML with XPath
Introducing a Rails-inspired Perl module to test the structure and content of an XML or HTML document using CSS selectors.
- Page with Spaces in URL - Octothorpes Demo
This page uses an alternate server, which can easily be set with a page variable.
- Test Everything with TAP Source Handlers
I’ve just arrived in Japan with my family. We’re going to be spending several days in Tokyo, during which time I’ll be at the JPUG 10th Anniversary PostgreSQL Conference for a couple of days (giving the usual talk), but mainly I’ll be on vacation. We’ll be visiting Kyoto, too. We’re really excited about this trip; it’ll be a great experience for Anna. I’ll be back in the saddle in December, so for those of you anxiously awaiting the next installment of my Catalyst tutorial, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
- pgTAP 0.16 in the Wild
I’ve been writing a lot tests for a client in pgTAP lately. It’s given me a lot to think about in terms of features I need and best practices in writing tests. I’m pleased to say that, overall, it has been absolutely invaluable. I’m doing a lot of database refactoring, and having the safety of solid test coverage has been an absolute godsend. pgTAP has done a lot to free me from worry about the effects of my changes, as it ensures that everything about the databases continue to just work.
- How Does DateTime Ignore CORE::GLOBAL::time?
- TestSimple 0.03 Released
- Ním and Marfy in Japan
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